Hayloft Mobile Veterinary Services Health Care Plan
Hayloft Mobile Veterinary Services Health Care Plan
We all know the value and benefit of keeping our pets happy and healthy.
This is why we want to help reduce and spread the cost of routine preventative healthcare for your pet. We’re working with our Pet Health Plan administrators, Vetsure, to deliver preventative treatments and benefits for dogs, cats and rabbits, all at discounted prices that are collected in an easy monthly direct debit.
We all know the value and benefit of keeping our pets happy and healthy.
This is why we want to help reduce and spread the cost of routine preventative healthcare for your pet. We’re working with our Pet Health Plan administrators, Vetsure, to deliver preventative treatments and benefits for dogs, cats and rabbits, all at discounted prices that are collected in an easy monthly direct debit.
Monthly Pet Health Plan Prices:
* Terms and Conditions apply – please speak to one of our team for more details.
** The cost of the first part of your two-part primary vaccination course is not covered. The second part is covered.
*** VHD 2 vaccines may incur additional charges outside of the plan. Please refer to your vet for further details.
Care for the best of health, cover for the worst:
Please note that our Pet Health Plan is NOT a pet insurance product.
Pet insurance is aimed at providing cover for the treatment of unforeseen accidents or illnesses and does not typically cover preventative healthcare costs.
To link the two aspects of pet healthcare, Vetsure Pet Health Plan members will get 5% off a new Vetsure Pet Insurance Policy, or this discount will be applied at renewal for an existing policy. That way, Vetsure can reward you further for your commitment to keeping your beloved pet in the best of health – at the same time as providing cover for the cost of treatment for accidents and illnesses through Vetsure Pet Insurance.
What more could a loving owner do for their pet?
How to Purchase Your Plan:
Please follow the link below to purchase your Hayloft Mobile Veterinary Services Pet Health Plan online. This can be done at any point ahead of your appointment to collect the appropriate flea or worming treatments or ahead of your pet’s annual vaccinations – just let our team know you’re a Hayloft Mobile Veterinary Services Ltd Pet Health Plan member at the time of booking!